20 > 22 June 2023

In partnership with:

Anne Frisch

Head of cybersecurity program

Anne Frisch is head of cybersecurity program of DSAC (Civil Aviation Safety Directorate) within DGAC. She is in charge of supporting operators and organizations in the civil aviation sector so that they comply, as effectively as possible, with European regulation relating to cyber security. She also contributes to the organization of DSAC to integrate the new cyber security component into audits of compliance with security and safety requirements. Anne worked for 27 years in air navigation, starting with a technical career related to radar and flight data processing systems. She then contributed to studies and tests of innovative tools in the 1990s, such as pilot-air traffic controller data links, focusing on the evolution of working methods and regulation. She was in charge of the management system of DSNA (French Air Navigation Service Provider), which integrated safety, security and quality, then director of operations at Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport (ADP).

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advanced business events
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